A héten került megrendezésre a VI. korcsoport, fiú Floorball Országos Elődöntő Komáromban, ahol iskolánk csapata 4 mérkőzéssel, 3 győzelemmel, remek játékkal egy hajszállal maradt le az Országos Döntőről. Öt csapat részvételével, körmérkőzéses rendszerben folytak a küzdelmek.

On December 14, Diákolimpia A team played the final 4 regional against 3 High Schools of cities of great tradition in Hungarian basketball. Nagy Lajos HS from Szombathely (host), Kolcsey Ferenc from Zalaegerszeg) and the Croatian school Miroslav Krleza from Pécs.

Team B (non-federated 2020-21 21-22), is framed in group A of the county of Veszprém with the High Schools from Thury of Várpalota, Jendrassik and Noszlopy, both of Veszprém and with Öveges de Balatonfűzfő. On Tuesday morning, December 7, we went to Varoalota to play two matches against the Thury and Jendrassyk schools.

Thury 59-78 Vetési.
Despite dominating the match rhythm from the beginning, the lack of solidity against Free Shots (3/20 in the first half) and when making layups (we missed 12/15 baskets made) gave wings to an opponent who knew how to play .
After a Time Out with 38-39 and the typical talk about respecting the game the boys made a great second half.
The time, 8:30, and the circumstances were not very favorable, but that is no excuse.
In the end, we knew how to score the easy buckets that we created with good play and defense andafter that we were able to give minutes to everyone.

2nd match:
Vetési 60-20 Jendrassyk.
Game that served so that the boys with less minutes or who are not in team A could play and gain confidence.
Beyond the results, I must comment that I am very proud of the boys since many are in the last year and have been training in Vetési for 4 or 5 years.
Today it has been possible to see an improvement in the game and in the way of facing the game.

Szép volt fiúk.